We have two ears and one mouth, so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.

Some girls don't realize what they're worth, some guys don't realize what they have, then she leaves after realizing and then he realizes

I don't get jealous when I see my EX with someone else, because my mom always told me to give my old toys to the less fortunate.

Sometimes you have to speak quieter to see who's really listening

Be careful who you open up to, only a few people actually care. The rest are just curious.

oh I love my hippe life

When you find the right one, you will know because that love will make you want to call up your ex and thank them for letting you go

Vill bara säga att det är as kul när folk kollar bak i mina as gamla inlägg och kommenterar, haha det gjorde nästan min dag när någon kommenterade ett inlägg jag hade skrivit för två år sedan och whinade, haha!

Don't judge a persons journey until you've walked in their path

Success is like being pregnant: everybody congratulates you, but nobody knows how many times you've been fucked

Reach for the stars and if you don't grab them, at least you're on top of the world.

Talking about a past relationship doesn't mean you're still stuck on it, sometimes it's a reminder not to screw up again.

When you stop trying to find the right man and start becoming the right women, the right man will find his way to you.

When you love someone, thinking about them is like breathing. You do it without knowing, and you do it all the time

run, run her kiss is a vampire grin

aa ren spegel ;)

Don't let your mind wander- it's too little to be out on its own.

HIHI blir så jäkla stolt (a)

Haters are like balloons, they're different shapes and color but they're all full of air.

Always smile! Life isn't full of reasons to smile but your smile itself is a reason for others to smile too

While you talk about me with your friends, I sit back and think "Damn I've got myself a fan club!"

Dear enemies, I have so much more for you to be mad about, just be patient.

Tänk att vi överlevde ;)

Om du har vuxit upp med hemlagad mat, druckit saft ur sirapsflaska, rest dig för att byta TV-kanal, hängde mellan framsätena i bilen, cyklat utan hjälm, snabbspolat kassettband med en blyertspenna, var tvungen gå över till grannbarnen för att ta reda på vad dom gjorde, att affärerna alltid var stängda på söndagar, lägg detta på din status... TÄNK ATT VI ÖVERLEVDE ! =) ♥
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