13 Januari 2011
Hello my fucking AMAZING blog. To day I'm going in write in English. Hoho this is going to be fun i think.
Well today i was in school and learned som stuff aboute the firts world war, rellay interesting.
Then we did som more school stuff but thats not interarsting but after school I followed Felicia in to town and cheked oute som stuff that Im going to byt tomorro ore this weekend, one thing that is bottering me is that i forgot my gift cards at home, but im going to take it whit me tomorro so I can buy som stuff that i want and then i need to finde som jeans so I can have mo shorter tops and T-shirts :)
Maybe i should start to writing in English, then people from other countries can read my blog and you guys can be better to read in English well this is something to tink aboute but I think I'm going to continue to write i Swedish.
Haha hoppas ni fatta vad jag skrev annats får jag väll översätta till svenska :)